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2024-04-13 21:17:55 | 高考信息网





你的宿舍生活是不是很多乐趣呢?不妨写一篇 英语 作文 和大家分享一下 快乐吧 。下面是我精心挑选的描写宿舍生活的英语作文,供大家阅读。
How to Live in Harmony with your Roommates?Everyone has his answer.In my opinion,to Live in Harmony with your Roommates,one should:

Firstly, keep the same pace with roommates. There are usually four people or more in a room. It’s better to have a unified schedule.

To maintain the order of the life, everyone should coordinate and abide by the schedule to reduce the disputes.

Secondly, don’t make little “squads” in the dormitory. You should treat every person equally rather than discriminating or isolating someone.

We object to establish deep friendship under the cost of sacrificing the friendship’s width and breadth. It’s important to keep balance in the dormitory.

Thirdly, don't invade your roommates' privacy. Everyone has their own secrets and eccentricities. We should not search roommates' privacy.

If someone has clearly made a field private, they must have special sensitive to this field and any subject attempting to break into this field will not be appreciated by them.

Fourthly, participate in dormitory’s collective activities actively. The activities of the dormitory is not only a simple activity, but also a way to contact with each other to share feelings.

Don't be naive to think collective activity as boring and useless action which wastes time and money, and showing a pair of disparaging appearance for company. In fact, it's all emotional investment, and indispensable.

Fifth, provide help and ask for help. Good roommate relationships is based on mutual help. When roommates meet with difficulties, we should voluntarily help. That’s obvious.

So, when we have some trouble, is it appropriate to ask help from roommates? The answer is yes. Because sometimes asking for help show that you trust your roommates, which can deepen your relationship.
Nowdays, more and more person was one child in their family. When they growing up ,they were alone with themselves .

When they become a student of university they must live with another classmates. At that times, they may e have some unharmonious things.

In dormitory, i think it is more necessary for us to protect the tune of dormitory.For example if your dormitory unharmonious.

It could effect your study, feeling, mood and so on. But the question is how to establish the live of harmonious dormitory.

In my opinion, Those ways may be usefully.

First of all, more intercourse, please talk with your dormitorymates,when you have more conversation, youcan know more and more things about your dormitorymates, and also you attention something about their habits,and avoid something in emarrass.

Besides,have a big heart. If you had some troule with you dormitorymates, please don't break a butterfly on the wheel. give a smile, and discuss the solution about those things.

It should be noted that open your heart, more conversation with your dormitorymates. More understand each other. Do anything about establish the live of harmonious dormitory. I think it is easy for you to do!
Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory can be disturbed in one way or another.

As is known to all,a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. On one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand,we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly,you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits,if there are any. Secondly,when an annoying situation arises,you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist.

Thirdly,you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.

In conclusion,we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.


1. 关于丰富精彩的大学生活的英语作文

2. 关于高中丰富多彩的生活英语作文4篇

3. 描写房间的英语作文

4. 描写我的教室英语作文3篇

5. 我的大学 寝室生活文章



Students who live away from their families are generally housed in dormitories at least for their first year.


Men and women often live in the same building,though they may live on separate floors.


Some dorms have a theme, like an international house,where students can learn about other cultures.


In language houses,students try to avoid speaking their native language.


The idea is to learn a different language.


Many colleges and universities have a Greek system that students can join.


This is a social system with fraternity houses for males and sorority houses for females.


Members take part in campus activities and volunteer work,and may also live and go to parties at Greek houses.


Colleges and universities often have many clubs that students can join.


These include political, religious and service clubs,as well as groups for activities like singing, dancing, cooking, even learning how to juggle.


Schools may also have intramural sports clubs.


These are for students who do not play for a school team but want organized sports with other students.


And schools will often recognize a new club or activity if enough students are interested.


But one activity that legally is only supposed to be for people age 21 and over is drinking alcohol.


Some college presidents and others have suggested that a lower drinking age could have the effect of reducing alcohol abuse.


Others disagree and point to a study just published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.


Researchers found large reductions in heavy, or binge, drinking in young people between 1979 and 2006.

研?a href='' target='_blank'>咳嗽狈⑾郑?979年至2006年间,年轻人中大量或过度饮酒者已大为减少。

They said this was likely a result of the legal drinking age being raised to 21 and other policy changes aimed at reducing underage drinking.


But they found little improvement for college students.


There was no reduction in binge drinking for college men.


And college women 21 to 23 had bigger increases than non-students in that age group.

Life in the university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected.

First of all, we are tightly hound by continual classes, excessive homework and exams; some students plain that we are being "exam machines". Secondly, the teaching method is boring; instead of lecturing, some teachers just "read" lessons. Finally, living conditions need to be improved; and food in the dining-hall is far from being attractive and tasteful.

In spite of all these adversities we still enjoy our life in the university. During the four-year university study, we can not only acquire a lot of book learning, but also foster various abilities. All types of extracurricular activities such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends; many of these friendships may last a long time.

In short,we should value our life in the university. Four years is only a short period when pared with our whole lifetime. In the university we mature, and in the university we prepare ourselves for the real world. Although there are many things lacking, the four years in the university is a worthwhile period in our whole lifetime.
It has been two years since I first got to university. Some of my clas *** ates say that the college life is boring, because they have plenty of time but do not know what to do. However, from my point of view, the campus life in college is interesting and colorful as long as you make it meaningful.

In the first semester in college, I didn't relax and I still worked hard as I was in the senior school. I usually spent two hours in study at night and I went to the classroom forautonomous learning.But the difference is that I have many extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Corner regularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and make friends with mon interests.

Besides, I join the Student Union of my department. In the Student Union, I have a group of workmates who work hard together and support to each other. Actually, it looks like a big, warm family that we can share our lives together. During various activities, I realize the importance of team spirit that helps us go further.







篇1   On a Harmonious   Dormitory Life   Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory can be disturbed in one way or another.   As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. On one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.   There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist. Thirdly, you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.   In conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.    参考译文:和谐的宿舍生活   宿舍生活是大学生活不可缺少的一部分。但有时宿舍的和谐会以某种方式受到干扰。   众所周知,一个和谐的宿舍生活是很重要的,大学生和福利的所有成员。一方面,我们可以好好休息一下,把我们的心放在研究。另一方面,我们将有一个好心情,享受在一起。   有几种方法可以创造和维持和谐的宿舍生活。首先,你必须评估你的生活方式和试图摆脱你的坏习惯,如果有任何。其次,当一个恼人的情况发生时,你得学会容忍对方和共存。第三,你必须与彼此分享并成为好朋友。   总之,我们应该尽力建设一个和谐的宿舍生活为了良好的学习和良好的生活。    篇2   Live in dormitory   Nowdays, more and more person was one child in their family. When they growing up ,they were alone with themselves . When they become a student of university they must live with another classmates. At that times, they may e have some unharmonious things.   In dormitory, i think it is more necessary for us to protect the tune of dormitory.For example if your dormitory unharmonious.it could effect your study, feeling, mood and so on. But the question is how to establish the live of harmonious dormitory.   In my opinion, Those ways may be usefully.   First of all, more intercourse, please talk with your dormitorymates,when you have more conversation, youcan know more and more things about your dormitorymates, and also you attention something about their habits,and avoid something in emarrass.   Besides,have a big heart. If you had some troule with you dormitorymates, please dont break a butterfly on the wheel. give a smile, and discuss the solution about those things.   It should be noted that open your heart, more conversation with your dormitorymates. More understand each other. Do anything about establish the live of harmonious dormitory. I think it is easy for you to do!   一个和谐的宿舍生活英语作文2    我的宿舍生活作文    篇1   终于等到开学这天啦,懒散了两个月,是时候该忙碌了。于是我早早就爬起来了,迅速收拾好东西奔向学校。   期待已久的住宿生活开始了。早就想摆脱父母魔爪的我们,异常兴奋的整理宿舍,待到父母离去时,我们开始独立了。原以为没有父母的啰嗦教管,我们就可以按照自己梦寐以求的方式生活。但是很显然,我们都错了。   我们幻想的宿舍生活是美好的,因为我们没有想到要自己动手的事情。以前我们对独立这个词了解不深,来到中学我们才慢慢发觉独立其实不容易。因为以前的我们太过于依赖父母,而来到中学我们要慢慢改掉这个坏习惯了。老师们都说,初中就是让你学会独立的地方。所以现在开始,我们什么都要自己动手去做,不能再依赖别人了。   刚开始的一两天,我并不是很适应,因为对宿舍的人都很陌生,一开始找不到聊天的话题。不过很庆幸我很快就融入了这个集体,并且和她们相处的还算融洽。这对我来说真的是很大的安慰,因为妈妈说过,如果在宿舍里谁也不跟你说话,那会很孤单,过的也会很辛苦的。不过当然啦,在宿舍不仅要和同学很搞好关系,也要适应这里的环境。   经过了一个星期的时间,我已经习惯了我们的宿舍,也调整好了时间,不会再像刚开学时忙忙碌碌还不够时间睡觉。宿舍的同学们都很活跃,我也不会再躺在床上抱着枕头发呆想家了,跟爸爸妈妈聊天时我也学会报喜不报忧了,因为我们要让父母放心不能让他们老是担心。他们上班本来就辛苦,要是我还老是向他们诉苦,那我就真的是不孝咯。   总的来说呢,我的宿舍生活还算是美好的。因为我那么快就解结识一群好伙伴,那么快就适应了宿舍的环境。有了好的休息时间,才能有精力学习,这也算是为我的求学之路迈出了一步。所以从现在开始,我要更努力,不能做到最好的,尽量做到更好!    篇2   我在宿舍里已经生活了一年多了,在这儿有高兴的时候,也有伤心的时候,更有难忘的时候。下面我给大家讲一下吧!   那是一个星期天的下午,我来到宿舍里看到小黑板上公布了上星期的卫生成绩。我们宿舍的卫生成绩从来都不好的,我本想不去看,但是又一想,我们宿舍里除了我以外,别人从来都不去看,所以我还是耐着性子去看了。“啊!”我不禁叫了一声。我们宿舍的这次卫生成绩竟然是满分,我心里又惊又喜,高兴极了,蹦蹦跳跳地来到宿舍里,把这个好消息,告诉了我的同伴们,但是他们都不信,以为我在开玩笑,无论我怎么说他们都不信,真是“有口难辩”,我只好让其中的一个人去看看,过了一会儿,那个人高高兴兴地回来了,我们在宿舍里高兴地蹦来蹦去,大喊大叫,简直象群疯子。   在宿舍里不仅有高兴的事,也有伤心的事。每到星期五,我们宿舍里都要进行大扫除,有一次,我们大家在打扫卫生,还干得起劲,瞧!擦玻璃的,扫地的,擦桌子的……突然郭大龙一不小心把擦桌子的水洒在了王光如的鞋上,这可不得了了。他们俩平时就不大对头,王光如又是个“唯恐天下不乱”,处处斤斤计较的人,气氛顿时紧张起来,眼看就要发生一场“腥风血雨”了。“你不长眼吗?”随着王光如的骂声,大家都不约而同的停了下来,眼睛注视着他们两个人。“我又不是故意的,干嘛骂的这么凶。”郭大龙反驳道。……他们吵个不停,真是“公说公有理,婆说婆有理。”突然,他们两个不吵了,紧握双拳,怒视着对方。“不好!”随着这声叫喊,大家才回过神来,抓紧去拉仗,但还是晚了,他们已经打成了一团。他们由于打的太猛了,我们拉仗的`时候还是挨了几拳。最后管理员来了,才制止了这场风波。一连好几天他们都没有说话,大家也都不高兴。   我们的宿舍生活就是这样的,有喜也有忧。   一个和谐的宿舍生活英语作文3    宿舍生活作文   回顾往事,织一层记忆的网,寝室里积淀下来的种种印记便纷纷浮上心头。   我们的寝室共有九个同学,我们九个同学从不同的地方聚到一块,这本身就像九颗雨滴打在同一粒尘埃上一样难得。   我们都十分珍惜这个机会,我们的寝室就像我们的家。我们每个人都很用心地对待我们的寝室,把它布置得美观大方而整洁;我们每个人都十分真诚地对待住在同一屋檐下的室友们,就像对待自己的家人一般。   记得有一次,我们寝室里的一个室友因为新奇,便跑到上床去感受一下睡上床的滋味,结果因为有点恐高,却不敢下来了,躲在角落里默默地啜泣着。其他室友们看见了,都显得十分紧张,也没有一个人在落井下石。有的提议说要去找老师;有的走上前安慰道:“放心,下来吧,不会有事的。”;还有的更勇敢地站出来说:“来,不用怕,我来接住你!”最后,这名室友在大家的鼓励下,也终于有了勇气,顺利地下来了。我们的生活里都无大事,但每件小事都是大事,我深深地体会到。   纵然寝室是个温馨的家,但我们九个人都有不同的特点,我们九个性格不同的女孩挤在一间小小的屋子里,于是我们的寝室终日吵吵闹闹,热闹非凡,也因而寝室里偶尔难免有些纠纷。好在我们能用一颗包容的心去说服一时的怒气,并使它化为真诚的歉意,使彼此的心靠得更近了,使友谊的桥梁更坚固。   我们九个人一起生活着,有纠纷,也有幸福,有快乐,曾经无奈,哭笑不得的生活。   现在生活在鱼米之乡的我,不知何时经常想起起了当年在潇湘河畔的那几个哭笑不得的朋友,以及那段相处的美好日子。


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